Minggu, 09 April 2017

Topic Sentence dan Contohnya

Kalimat topik adalah kalimat yang paling penting dalam sebuah paragraf. Kadang-kadang disebut sebagai kalimat fokus, kalimat topik membantu mengatur paragraf dengan meringkas informasi dalam paragraf. Dalam penulisan formal, kalimat topik biasanya kalimat pertama dalam paragraf (meskipun tidak harus).

Sebuah kalimat topik pada dasarnya memberitahu pembaca bagaimana sebuah paragraf yang harus memberikan informasi lebih lanjut tentang kalimat itu, membuktikannya dengan menawarkan fakta tentang hal itu, atau menjelaskan secara lebih rinci. Sebagai contoh, jika kalimat topik menyangkut jenis spesies terancam punah yang hidup di laut, maka setiap kalimat setelah itu perlu untuk menjelaskan tentang hal itu.

Kalimat topik juga perlu untuk berhubungan kembali dengan tesis esai. Pernyataan tesis adalah seperti peta jalan yang akan memberitahu pembaca atau pendengar di mana Anda akan dengan informasi ini atau bagaimana Anda memperlakukannya.

Kalimat topik terdiri dari 3 bagian yaitu controlling idea,supporting sentence dan concluding. Untuk lebih jelasnya,mari kita lihat contoh dibawah ini : 


Do you agree with abortion? When someone asks this to the people, there may be many “yes” and equal number of “no”, voicing their opinion over this. Abortion has always been a debatable subject amongst the masses as people have their own arguments regarding it.

For those who are for, they think that sometimes life can be really harsh on us. In some cases, medical emergencies make a woman resort to this action because there is a possibility to be at risk, if she delivers the child. In some other cases, some of the rape victims can be minors. They won’t be mentally or physically prepared to have the newborn baby. Giving life to such an unwanted child may cause troubles for both mother and the child.

After that, abortion implies denying someone a well-deserved life. Just because the odds are not in our favor, can we deprive someone the chance to live? Besides, having an abortion done also carries the risk of not being able to become pregnant ever again in life. Abortion can also lead to serious health complications or even a death. 

Whatever you agree or not, abortion will always happen in our society. While for one, having a forced child can be a highly miserable experience, to the other, abortion can be a highly miserable experience.

Keterangan :

Tulisan warna biru itu bagian controling idea

Tulisan warna orange itu bagian dari supporting sentence/kalimat pelengkap

Tulisan warna merah itu merupakan concluding/kesimpulan

School Uniforms Policy

School uniforms are uniforms which are obligatory cloth by the students in the school or any other educational institution. School uniforms tell many things such as students' grade level and school or institution identity. Nowadays, school uniforms become a debatable issue among parents. Some of them think that school uniforms are necessary, while others think that they are not.

Some parents believe that school uniforms will make such good advantages to their children while learning at school. First, school uniforms can keep students focused on their education, not their clothes. Second, school uniforms may improve attendance and discipline. The last, school uniforms are a symbol that every student is equal in getting same education. School uniforms will not differentiate whether the students are rich or not and students’ economic or social class. 

In other hand, school uniforms can affect negatively on students psychology and performance in learning at school. First, school uniforms restrict students' freedom of expression.  Second, uniforms also may have a detrimental effect on students' self-image because when students have to wear the same outfits, rather than being allowed to select clothes that suit their body skin, they can suffer embarrassment at school. Third, some students also find uniforms less comfortable than their regular clothes, which may not be conducive to learning.

In conclusion, school uniforms remain important of the students’ forsakes. Students will be discipline and will focus more on learning. School uniforms also will show them that they are equal in learning. However, to cover all disadvantages of school uniforms, it is better if school gives a free school uniform day to the students on certain days and with certain themes.

Keterangan :

Tulisan warna biru itu bagian controling idea

Tulisan warna orange itu bagian dari supporting sentence/kalimat pelengkap

Tulisan warna merah itu merupakan concluding/kesimpulan